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Oregon Law Center (OLC) provides free legal help to people struggling to make ends meet on matters related to their homes, livelihoods, medical care and physical safety against domestic violence.


Please look at the Fact Sheet for more information, and call our Public Benefits Hotline (1-800-520-5292) if you need legal advice. 
Black Families Sue City of Portland, Prosper Portland and Legacy Emanuel Hospital and Health Center over Racist Destruction and Forced Displacement in the Historic Central Albina Neighborhood
You may qualify for up to $3,200 in Assistance from Oregon DHS.

Oregon Law Center is open and available to assist you

Some offices have limited hours for in-person walk-ins. Please contact the local office in your area to learn more about how to request services. You can find your local office here

Legal Aid Services of Oregon and Oregon Law Center stand in solidarity with the Black community.

As legal aid organizations, our mission is to achieve justice for the low-income communities of Oregon by providing a full range of the highest quality civil legal services.  We emphasize the right of our clients to decide the solutions that we pursue for the issues they face, and our clients have long told us that racial discrimination is a critical barrier preventing them from escaping poverty.  We are responsible to our clients to work to dismantle systemic racism and white supremacy as we fight for economic justice on their behalf.

Legal aid lawyers and staff across the state will continue to work together to bring equity, justice, and integrity into our communities and our legal system.

Administrative Law

Administrative Law

"Legal aid was a godsend to me and I'm not sure what I would have done if they hadn't been there to help."

Administrative Law

Oregon Law Center provides information, advice, brief service and representation on a number of administrative law issues including health care, unemployment insurance, food stamps, the Jobs program, public benefits, Social Security and child support.
Find an office near you.
Employment Law

Employment Law

“I am really appreciative. Without the help I wasn’t going to win. I was very nervous and didn’t know what to say.”

Employment Law

Oregon Law Center provides information, advice, brief service and representation on a number of employment law issues that are important for low income clients including wage claims, discrimination claims, family leave, working conditions and safety.
Find an office near you.

Family Law

“It’s not easy, but there is help and hope.”

Family Law

Oregon Law Center provides information, advice, brief service and representation on a number of family law issues that are important for low income families, with the highest priority for matters involving domestic violence.
Find an office near you.
Farmworker Law

Farmworker Law

Farmworker Law

Oregon Law Center provides information, advice, brief service and representation on a number of issues that are important to farmworkers, including wage claims, working conditions, housing and health care.
Find an office near you.
Housing Law

Housing Law

"I could not have handled this alone. I didn’t have anyone listening to what I was saying until I went to legal aid. Having someone who knows the was a lot of help.”

Housing Law

Oregon Law Center provides information, advice, brief service and representation on a number of housing law issues that are important for low income people including Fair Housing, government subsidized housing, landlord-tenant law and issues related to homelessness.
Find an office near you.
Civil Rights image

Civil Rights

Civil Rights

Oregon Law Center provides information, advice, brief service and representation on civil rights issues including race discrimination, immigrants’ rights, education issues, and fines-and-fees matters.
Find an office near you.
Administrative Law

Administrative Law

"Legal aid was a godsend to me and I'm not sure what I would have done if they hadn't been there to help."

Administrative Law

Oregon Law Center provides information, advice, brief service and representation on a number of administrative law issues including health care, unemployment insurance, food stamps, the Jobs program, public benefits, Social Security and child support.
Find an office near you.
Employment Law

Employment Law

“I am really appreciative. Without the help I wasn’t going to win. I was very nervous and didn’t know what to say.”

Employment Law

Oregon Law Center provides information, advice, brief service and representation on a number of employment law issues that are important for low income clients including wage claims, discrimination claims, family leave, working conditions and safety.
Find an office near you.

Family Law

“It’s not easy, but there is help and hope.”

Family Law

Oregon Law Center provides information, advice, brief service and representation on a number of family law issues that are important for low income families, with the highest priority for matters involving domestic violence.
Find an office near you.
Farmworker Law

Farmworker Law

Farmworker Law

Oregon Law Center provides information, advice, brief service and representation on a number of issues that are important to farmworkers, including wage claims, working conditions, housing and health care.
Find an office near you.
Housing Law

Housing Law

"I could not have handled this alone. I didn’t have anyone listening to what I was saying until I went to legal aid. Having someone who knows the was a lot of help.”

Housing Law

Oregon Law Center provides information, advice, brief service and representation on a number of housing law issues that are important for low income people including Fair Housing, government subsidized housing, landlord-tenant law and issues related to homelessness.
Find an office near you.
Civil Rights image

Civil Rights

Civil Rights

Oregon Law Center provides information, advice, brief service and representation on civil rights issues including race discrimination, immigrants’ rights, education issues, and fines-and-fees matters.
Find an office near you.

For additional self-help materials and other resources, please visit Oregon Law Help’s website.

The statewide legal aid network is making a difference...

clients served in 2017
Oregon counties served (all of them!)
clients are women, most with children to support
0 %
hours donated by pro bono volunteers in 2017
cases involved safety or shelter
0 %

Your donation makes a difference for your fellow Oregonians.