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Statewide Administration

The statewide administration office of Oregon Law Center is responsible for working with the board of directors to maintain a stable program that efficiently and effectively serves clients statewide in compliance with the Oregon State Bar Legal Services Standards and Guidelines and the American Bar Association Standards for the Provision of Civil Legal Aid. The administrative office provides statewide strategic planning, advocacy priorities, board support, policies, human resources, accounting, timekeeping, payroll, retirement programs, medical benefits, insurance, banking, grant compliance, grant reporting, contracting, leasing, IT, equipment and similar administrative services. It is responsible for working in collaboration with community partners to implement the mission and standards. As a charitable organization that provides free professional services to low-income clients, Oregon Law Center tries to maximize the number of positions that provide service to clients through offices located in 10 communities across the state, while retaining the six administrative positions that are necessary to maintain a stable organization.

Meet our staff.

Oregon Law Center is open and available to assist you.

While we are not accepting walk-in clients right now, please contact the office in your area by phone and we will get back to you shortly.  You can find your local office here.  Thank you and stay safe.