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McMinnville Office

The McMinnville Office is part of the Hillsboro Regional Office of Oregon Law Center, which serves low-income clients and seniors in Washington, Columbia, Clatsop, Tillamook, and Yamhill Counties. Potential clients and community partners can call us about any civil legal problem (we don’t handle traffic or criminal matters). Most of our cases fall into one of three areas: family law, with a focus on domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and child support; housing, with a focus on discrimination, subsidized housing, and advice to tenants; and public benefits issues. We have contracts to provide services to seniors in a wider range of problems in all our counties. If we are unable to assist you with your legal problem, we can almost always refer you to other resources and point you to self-help materials. We have staff members who are bilingual in English and Spanish, and we use interpreters to help us serve people who speak other languages.

McMinnville Office

The Eagle Building
117 NE 5th Street, Suite B
McMinnville OR  97128

(503) 472-9561

Oregon Law Center is open and available to assist you.

While we are not accepting walk-in clients right now, please contact the office in your area by phone and we will get back to you shortly.  You can find your local office here.  Thank you and stay safe.