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Grants Pass Regional Office

The Grants Pass Office of Oregon Law Center provides legal assistance to low-income residents of Josephine County. Applicants for service and community partners can call us about any civil legal problem; our priority areas are family law, housing law, and individual rights such as disability, discrimination and Oregon Health Plan issues. We also staff the legal aid statewide Public Benefits Hotline and the Josephine County Senior Hotline. We provide legal services in English, Spanish and other languages.

Grants Pass Regional Office

424 NW 6th Street, Suite 102
PO Box 429
Grants Pass, OR 97528

(541) 476-1058

Oregon Law Center is open and available to assist you.

While we are not accepting walk-in clients right now, please contact the office in your area by phone and we will get back to you shortly.  You can find your local office here.  Thank you and stay safe.