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Legal Help for Clients

Administrative Law

Oregon Law Center provides information, advice, brief service and representation on a number of administrative law issues that are important for low income clients including health care, unemployment insurance, food stamps, the Jobs program, public benefits, Social Security and child support.

Employment Law

Oregon Law Center provides information, advice, brief service and representation on a number of employment law issues that are important for low income clients including wage claims, discrimination claims, family leave, working conditions and safety.

Family Law

Oregon Law Center provides information, advice, brief service and representation on a number of family law issues that are important for low income families, with the highest priority for matters involving domestic violence.

Farmworker Law

Farmworker Law

Oregon Law Center provides information, advice, brief service and representation on a number of issues that are important to farmworkers, including wage claims, working conditions, housing and health care. The Indigenous Project provides services to farmworkers who speak indigenous languages from Mexico and Guatamala, including Mixteco, Zapoteco, Triqui, Kanjobal and other languages. The Project Against Workplace Sexual Assault, part of the Indigenous Project, supports, educates, informs and helps farmworkers regarding sexual harassment and assault at their place of work.

Housing Law

Oregon Law Center provides information, advice, brief service and representation on a number of housing law issues that are important for low income people including Fair Housing, government subsidized housing, landlord-tenant law and issues related to homelessness.

Civil Rights

Oregon Law Center provides information, advice, brief service and representation on civil rights issues including race discrimination, immigrants’ rights, education issues, and fines-and-fees matters.