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Our Mission

Oregon Law Center (OLC) is a non-profit organization that provides free legal help to people struggling to make ends meet. The mission of the Oregon Law Center is to achieve justice for the low-income communities of Oregon by providing a full range of the highest quality civil legal services. In our complex society, people can need assistance to understand their legal rights and responsibilities as they seek justice under the rule of law. This is especially true for low-income Oregonians because they are more likely than the average person to need help with domestic violence, sexual harassment, sexual assault, discrimination, Social Security, health care, housing, consumer problems or employment issues.

The offices routinely conduct a needs assessment, asking clients, agencies serving clients, judges, local attorneys and staff to help us identify and prioritize the needs of clients. We set priorities based on client needs. Oregon Law Center is part of a coordinated statewide system designed to offer access to legal information and effective legal assistance for low income people. Everyone should have access to justice.

Equal justice under the law is not merely a caption on the Supreme Court building. It is perhaps the most inspiring ideal of our society. It is one of the ends for which our entire legal system exists……it is fundamental that justice should be the same in substance and availability without regard to economic status.